Why European Descent?

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is the whitest denomination in the United States. Built upon predecessor churches that were strongly aligned with their European heritage,  our church often conflates that heritage with the Lutheran faith. People of European descent in the church are responsible for the the culture of our church that works to keep us 98 percent white. Aligned with and in support of the ELCA’s 7 other ethnic associations, we are working to change that.

White people dismantling White supremacy

EDLARJ works within the church and in our own communities to advance racial justice.

Some of the ways we do this work:


We advocate for policy changes at the national church level, support synods and congregations in making and changing policy, and call out white supremacy.


EDLARJ works to support our sibling ELCA ethnic assocations in their work for racial justice, following their leads and using our voice to amplify their joys & concerns.


We provide trainings and resources for ELCA racial justice teams, congregations and individual members yearning to do the kindom work of racial justice.