Building Capacity for Synod Antiracism Teams

In mid September,  a member of EDLARJ joined synod antiracism teams in a training workshop put on by the Racial Justice Ministries of the ELCA. The purpose of the training was to build capacity for Synod antiracism teams.

Sixteen Synods were represented at the training. Some synods had very active antiracism teams; some synods had no team but were interested in forming one; most Synods had a team but were looking for ways to re-energize it. Questions were asked that helped Synods assess where on the spectrum they were located in regards to anti-racism work.

  • Has the Synod passed a resolution making anti-racism work a priority in the Synod?
  • Has the Synod provided any kind of anti-racism training?
  • Has it expressed an interest in doing so?

The training also provided information and suggestions for assessing organizational racism including a way in to assess where each synod team is on the spectrum of racial equity. Finally, the training provided tools for building and strengthening anti-racism teams.

How do Synods access the TWP Training?

Did you know every synod in the ELCA can purchase the Transforming White Privilege (TWP) workshop materials for only $250. This is a 50% discount and can be used through out your synod as many times as needed.

TWP uses a wide array of workshop techniques to engage the participants in understanding more about white privilege and specifically addresses:

  • the social construction of race,
  • the stages of racial identity development,
  • the cycle of socialization
  •  the cultural messages we receive that create “isms” that shape how we interact with others.

For information or purchasing the training, please email Judith Roberts, Director of Racial Justice Ministries at the churchwide office in Chicago.

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Kathy Long

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