

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Welcome to the European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice website. We are Lutherans of European descent committed to living out our Gospel calling to end the hold racism and white power and privilege have on the ELCA. Please browse our pages for resources (for individuals and groups), events, and support. You can also reach here at www.crossculturalchurch.org.

The EDLARJ is one of the ELCA’s six ethnic associations. Our sister associations focus on strengthening their ministries and communities. In the EDLARJ, as inheritors of privilege, we focus on giving a visible and nameable witness to an anti-racist, cross-cultural church. The EDLARJ’s ethnic associations accompany each other on the journey to Jesus’ vision of a church of all peoples.

Please feel free to contact me anytime for questions or concerns.

Pr Russell Meyer

P.S. In September 2015, the association approved changing its name from the European American Lutheran Association to the European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice. Recent events, especially the martydom of the Emanuel Nine, gave an occasion for the board and parners to discuss greater definition and avoid uncertainty about our purpose, mission and vision. The name change is a first outcome of this ongoing discernment process. Across this website, earlier material refers to EALA whereas new material refers to EDLARJ.



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