This team has defined its task to be with our EALA member partners and ELCA members and employees, churchwide, synods, congregations, and institutions plus those who come to our electronic sites. We also seek to reach leadership in the other ethnic associations and anti-racism and/or social justice committees/teams. We want them to know who we are and our focus as an association which may help them fulfill their life values. The word “enhancing” suggests it is an ongoing task and always in process.

The tools of communication for our ethnic association are a website (, newsletter (at least 4 times a year), email (news announements and advocacy alerts), Facebook, and Twitter. With these tools, the team seeks to let others know about our work and how they may participate. We convey educational and action opportunities which may be helpful for an anti-racist and social justice oriented life journey.

Membership on the team is voluntary and comes from both the EALA Board of Directors and member partners. These volunteers take responsibility for different aspects of our communication work. Those who have graphic art and communication skills are especially welcomed as well as those who are just interested in making our communication more effective. To do so contact Pr. Paul Bauman:



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